👨‍💻Pool Configuration

The owner of a pachinko pool has multiple configurations at their control to optimise gameplay.

Airdrop & Token lock

  • A certain amount of every buy is directed to either the airdrop pot or the token lock at every buy.

  • The pool owner can configure whether that stream of tokens is to be directed to the Airdrop pot or the token lock.

  • If the pool owner decided to direct the stream of tokens to the token lock, tokens will cease to flow into the airdrop pot, but Airdrop prizes will still be possible for keybuyers.

  • The token lock is designed primarily for pachinko pools where the game-playing asset is an LP token, so that the token lock can function as an LP lock. As such, as the game continues, LP tokens will accumulate in the token lock, thereby thickening liquidity.

  • The pool owner can specify the lock duration. Tokens in the token lock will not be withdrawable until the lock duration is up. Tokens in the token lock are withdrawable only by the pool owner.

Configurables in the Divies

  • buy ceiling: the pool owner can limit whether a prize can be immediately bought from the queue once its accumulating balance has reached a certain percentage of its target price. This number is set to 70% by default, and must be between 1 and 100. This parameter makes it more difficult for third party buyers from snipping prizes in the queue that has already accumulated significant tokens from the pachinko stream.

  • nft prize split: the pool owner can control the split of pachinko tokens to stream into the NFT queue and the token queue. In setting the NFT prize split, one automatically adjusts the token prize split to be the remainder. A NFT prize split percentage must be between 0 and 100. If a pool owner sets the split of the NFT queue to be 0%, for example, then the split for the token queue will be 100%, which means he does not intend to accept any token prize offers for his pool.

    • The pool owner can also set both the NFT and token prize splits to 0. This means the pool does not take any prize offers whatsoever.

  • whitelisting and dewhitelisting NFTs and tokens: the pool owner controls what NFTs and tokens may be offered as prizes in the pachinko pool. This prevents unsolicited, disreputable, or malicious NFTs and tokens from accessing the liquidity of a pachinko pool.hitelisted.

  • prize sale fee: for prizes bought (by third parties) and sold (by the prize offerer), a small fee is collected by the pool owner. The pool owner can adjust this fee. The maximum sale fee is 10%.

  • blacklisting: the pool owner can add malicious actors to blacklists, restricting their prize offering capabilities.

  • distribution queue length: The length of the distribution queue, i.e. how many prizes in a queue are to be simultaneously receiving token streams, is customisable by the pool owner. Pool owners should note that the higher the number set, the more gas intensive the game play will be. See Distribution Queue.

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